How to begin with HackerRank as a Beginner?
One of the key skill that a person who loves computers should be good at, is programming. Programming or coding is not confinedto a singular language. In 2020 there are so many programming languages out there with which anybody can begin their coding journey using the infinity amount of free online resources.
Today I’ll share my experience and what tactics I used to get started on HackerRank.
What is HackerRank?

HackerRank is a website that is aims at helping developers to enhance their coding skills. They have a very established structure. You can appraise yourself in any distinct subdomain like Algorithm, Data Structure or Problem Solving by using those section of HackerRank that are specifically built for them. But as a beginner, you don’t have to worry about any of it.
As a beginner, I choose Python as the programming language that I wanted to outdo, and I had my reasons to choose Python. So I started my journey with HackerRank in the following steps:
- Go the website and Sign Up as a developer.

2. Choose the Python Language Proficiency section. ( if you prefer any other language you can pick that language under this section)

When I started this section I was at star zero. And my world rank was more than 500,000. Now at 5-star gold and my world rank is around 39,000 Alhamdulillah.
3. Begin with easy questions first.

First, you need to choose unsolved, easy and introduction then solve all the questions that you get on the right-hand side. Work with the topmost question and start solving one after the other. After you have no more questions left uncheck Introduction and check Basic Data Types. Now follow the same steps, solve all question on the right-hand side and change the subdomain.
3. Use the Anaconda Python Notebook to solve your question offline and when you are confident on the solution post it on the website.

You can also sync up your work with Github, but that itself is an amazing topic that requires a separate post.
Hacker Rank is an amazing place to start your coding journey. Blend solving problems on HackerRank into your habits. Don’t set targets that you will finish these many questions in these many hours or day. When you put hands on the questions BELIVE ME it will take more than what you have anticipated
I hope you like this post. If you guys want to reach out to me with suggestions and feedback do drop your comments. Also you can also reach out to me at my Instagram.